Home > Updates > December 2017 - Villages of Hope, Zambia: Rescuing & Nurturing Orphans & Vulnerable Children
Directors Nancy and Sergio Bersaglio
Zambia has been classified as being the most orphaned country in the world. There are over 1.6 million orphans in Zambia. Many of these children have lost both of their parents to the HIV/AIDS crisis; they have no one to care for them, no one to educate them and no one to prepare them for their future. The Villages of Hope, Zambia is dedicated to sharing God's love by rescuing and nurturing orphans and vulnerable children. They provide essential needs such as food, shelter and healthcare; however, they also provide the children with an exceptional education, and give them hands on experience and knowledge to better care for themselves in years to come.
The Villages of Hope is unique in that it is dedicated to becoming financially sustainable by starting and managing medium size businesses to support its village and school in Zambia. Your donations help to mold children into men and women who will transform their community and ultimately transform the country of Zambia. Graduation, the break between terms and the start of the New Year are all coming soon. Thank you for your prayers for the children during these significant and formative years of their lives.